Saturday, 7 June 2008


So, I have been reading a bit about Iran recently, and things seem to be kicking off again. But I am unsure how I think about this, I do not know enough about the situation to have a proper opinion. I was extremely angry when out sailors were held by them last year, and if i were in command Tehran would be a crater now.

But I have been thinking. They want nuclear weapons (supposedly), why should they not have them? What is so special about the UK, US, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel? I agree that the less nuclear weapons in the world the better (up to a point) but what right do we have to deny Iran, or any country, the right to have all means of defense at their disposal.

Some argue that they would just use them to bomb Israel, but why? The whole point of the weapons is that if you use one on another nuclear power you will be destroyed. So then people point out that if a radical jihadist were in control they would not care, but then look at America and how many religious fundamentalists there are(both in power and not) and we have been OK so far.

So, surely is not better to let countries who want the weapons have them out in the open so that the safeguards and program itself can be monitored and made safe and secure, rather than forcing them underground into the hands of the fundamentalists.

So my point really is that if Iran, or anyone else, really wants nuclear weapons they will find a way to acquire some. So surely it would be better to encourage them to do it in the open, rather then threatening to invade if they try to gain the technology, hence forcing them into hiding and increasing the risks of an accidental detonation or some splinter group or faction getting their hands on them.

Opinions? Arguments? are all welcome.

1 comment:

aiusepsi said...

France, US, UK, Russia and China are the 5 permanent members of the security council, the first 5 countries to get nuclear weapons, and the only countries permitted to own them under Nuclear non-proliferation treaties.

Strictly speaking, it's illegal for India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea to have them.

It's a tricky issue, though. There aren't any easy answers. The way I see it, nuclear weapons are a genie you can't stuff back into the bottle, or Pandora's box that you can't close again.

You can however, try and stop the box opening any further.