Sunday, 8 June 2008

Doctor Who

As predicted, this weeks and last weeks episodes were awesome!

I now predict that next weeks will be quite good, but the one after really quite bad.

To be honest, so far Tate has not been as annoying as expected, but that just goes to show how annoying I expected her to be.

1 comment:

aiusepsi said...

I really like these two eps as well - what's really mad is that when you look at the Who forums, some people are really negative - I think the Moffat backlash has already begun. But then, I think these are the same kind of "fans" who actually just hate the show.

The next two are apparently two sides of the same story, one's Donna-lite and the other is Doctor-lite, thus fulfilling the requirement of having one "Doctor+Companion-lite" episode a year.

Won't be as good as Blink.

I think I might actually be warming to Tate, she really isn't that bad at all.