So I signed up to a stat counter thing when I set up this blog, just out of curiosity really, and every coupple of months they send me an email with some stats. Here is one of the readouts from the last email.

Now obviously the ones from the UK are expected and the unidentified ones I assume are from the UK also, but there are issues with me seeing where they are, and the ones from the US can be possibly explained by Samir being there a while back. But who is looking at this in Ontario, Tel Aviv, Republika Srpska or Jiangsu????
Seriously, I want to know.
At a guess, spambots. Check Akismet. :-)
Google Reader reads them for me. I only come here when I want to read the rest of the post. By the by, you should have the entire post display in the feed so I don't have to come here. Makes my life easier. ;-)
But if you don't come here you don't show up on the stats, and then this post would never had existed......
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