Monday, 19 May 2008


I forget whether it is Insanity or Stupidity that is defined by doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result. Anyway, I expect both really apply in this situation.

Fortunately I am not completely retarded and noticed that I was doing it before anything became too seriously ingrained. Nothing shall change externally, but my intentions, expectations and state of mind shall.

Yes, I am being cryptic, and Yes, it is intentional. This is just a public admission of my stupidity, which will hopefully help me avoid such things in the future.....

Also, on a lighter note, when I mis-spelled different "differant" earlier in the post, Firefox gave me two spelling suggestions.

1, Different

2, Differ Ant

Just found this a bit unusual.

Also, how is exam prep going for y'all??

1 comment:

aiusepsi said...


Exam prep? Could be better, could be worse.