Thursday, 10 April 2008

Interesting + Deja Vu

So, first off. Something that I had not planned to write about. I just got a huge Deja Vu while typing in the Tags for this post. I am now going to look it up in Wikipedia, to try and find out what it is. I get them all the time, and while a kid always wondered if I was dreaming the future and just could not really remember them. I then spent ages trying to remember all my dreams and write them down and every few days cross checking to see if any of them had happened.

Music, you should all listen to this:

It is not in English, but is hypnotic and actually quite cool. Stolen from

Also, something interesting I have learnt today. Elephants are actually afraid of mice. I always assumed it only happened in cartoons, but it was tested on Mythbusters and apparently they actually are.

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